Sunday, November 11, 2007

Navigation Team Procedure

Your navigation team is doing the following job... besides coordinating among ourselves so there is complete coverage of the race.

1. We'll Monitor the SPOT device for updates in rider position, and log these changes, which come every 10-20 minutes.

2. We'll determine RM (Race Mile) Position for each update.

3. As the riders pass certain milestones determined by Rich (Basically every 50 miles, a little more often before the rider changes at RM 204-360-700-920-1160), we will send a text message to the "Chase Truck List". This includes all riders and trucks. The message has to be short, will say "TIME RM POS SPEED COMMENT" like this:
8:34AM RM 187 30.8766 -115.8205 45MPH CALLAGY

4. A little less often, the same message will be sent out to all the support people on our email list. (To be added to either list, write a comment to this blog, with your email or text message instructions, Verizon people are for instance.)

5. We'll post the information to this blog, plus links to the Google Map, and Google Earth file for each update. Sometimes the information will be in the comment field so check the blog carefully.

6. We'll also log all the positions we receive with all the info above, so that at the end of the race, we'll have a complete record of it.

Any other requests?


Abel said...

No suggestions just keep up the good information flow. Colin's Mom

Abel said...

Haven't read anything for today (Monday). See you have me spoiled already. Maybe today is pre race party time? Colin's Mom

Abel said...

I just heard from Colin. It sounds like everyone is having a good time and everything is working as it should. The bike is ready for tech inspection which will be held a little later this afternoon. At the moment I guess they're all kicking back except the guys that are riding the most southern leg. They're still down there and will meet up tomorrow. Colin's Mom

Froman's mom said...

It sounds like all the advance planning is paying off and things are going smoothly. Good luck to all you guys!

Froman's mom

Froman's mom said...

Keep us posted as things happen

Froman's mom